Power in Knowledge
Sponsor a PinK Girl
All girls around the world have the right to an education!
Research has shown that girls continue to be the single most excluded group in the world. Ethiopia is ranked 134th out of 149 countries in the Education for All (EFA). In Ethiopia, Girls face barriers to education that boys simply do not! Girls in Bahir Dar and Ethiopia rarely finish their education, with many not making it past the 8th grade. Only 12% of the girls in Bahir Dar finish high school while boys pass at a 70% rate. Statistics from 2009 indicate that 82% of Ethiopian women aged 15 and over are illiterate, compared to 58% of men. PinK Girl is helping girls complete their educational dreams and more importantly, is an effective way of providing the girls with power, autonomy and independence to make genuine choices over the lives, their families and their community.
For $39 a month, you'll help educate, tutor and guide a PinK Girl through school until she receives a college degree.
Education fosters dignity and a sense of self-worth. It offers opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills and enhances life prospects. Along with nutrition, health and skills, education is a pillar of human capital: These essential elements together enable people to lead productive lives and to contribute to their countries’ economic growth and development.
We know PinK Girl is changing lives!
Sponsor our Girls
What does my $39.00 a month do?
Academic Counseling;
Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, History, Geography, and Spoken & Written English!
We supply materials needed; composition books, pens and pencils, dictionaries, etc.
Life Skills
12 Life Skills and Living Core Values classes that include; self-esteem, assertiveness, coping with stress, decision making, friendship formation, coping with emotions, conflict resolution and self-awareness.
A computer lab, library for book club, reading room, study room and personal mentoring at the PinKGirl house.
English Language
Summer English Camp specializes in spoken English and extra summer programs for our girls and returning university alumni. Beginning in 7th grade all exams are in English, although the schools do no teach English. Written English includes grammar and composition. Spoken English is learned in a fun environment using games and songs. We also provide small group conversational meetings.
College Support
Scholarship of full tuition to nursing college.
Tuition assistance for private college.
Stipend program for National University students.
Travel to and from school at the beginning and end of term.
Printing/copying costs (one text book per class).
Hygiene/personal supplies.
Other necessities.
Thanks to the support we provide, 100% of our girls are passing high school, their national exams and making it to college. We know PinK Girl is changing lives.
As of December 2022::
We have 80 college graduates fully employed.
Our PinKPal program currently has 180 girls attending university on track to complete their degrees.
Our PinKGirl program is currently providing tutoring and life skills for 300 girls from 7th to 12th grade to help them pass national exams (8th, 10th, 12th grade) and stay on the path to college.
The power of girls’ education for poverty reduction, gender equality and development is unquestionable.
What your sponsored PinK Girl receives:
Academic Counseling every Saturday in 6 subjects.
Computer Typing Classes for grades 7-9th.
Computer Skills Class with certificate (Girls can Code classes for 11th and 12th).
Review classes for 8th and 12th taking National Exam
Academic evolution and extra tutoring as needed closer to exams.
Life Skills Bi-monthly with Coaches and Mentors.
Transportation for Saturdays, Life Skills, Events and Camp.
School supplies of pens, composition books, dictionaries.
PinK Girl T Shirt.
Family Visits each year by Admin team.
Events: Day of the Girl,International Women’s Day,
Open House with their families.
Summer English Day Camp- 1 and 2 week camps.
Counseling of girls and families as requested.
What you receive when you sponsor a PinK Girl:
Welcome Packet.
Photograph of your PinK Girl with brief profile.
Your first email letter from your Pink Girl. (Allow 8 weeks.)
4 letters a year from your student.
1 letter a year from your PinK Girl's advisor.
Newsletter twice a year via email.
Tax Deduction.
You may write to your PinK Girl as often as you would like.
No cash is ever given directly to your PinK Girl.
Please contact us at barrybridges@pinkgirlinc.site if you would like to discuss which girl you may like to sponsor,
otherwise we will assign a girl with the most need.
Top Sponsorship Questions
Does the money go directly to the PinK Girl I am sponsoring?
As a PinK Girl sponsor, you are connected with one specific girl. Your monthly donation is pooled for maximum effectiveness. Meaning sponsored girls and their families do not receive the money directly. You join forces with other sponsors to support the PinK Girl program that benefits your Girl as well as other girls in our care.
Am I the only sponsor for my PinK Girl?
Each PinK Girl is matched with one sponsor. You will get to know your child through letters and progress updates.
How long is my commitment?
Your sponsorship is an ongoing commitment that helps your PinK Girl get the support she needs to be successful in school. You will be helping her finish high school and be accepted to a University. Once you have helped her get to university, Ethiopia pays for her room and board. If you would like to continue to help with incidentals such as; books, supplies, personal care needs and travel to and from school that would be wonderful and needed.
Is my sponsorship a tax deduction?
Yes. PinK Girl is a Registered 501c3 Charity: 82-393253. We will provide a tax receipt each year to assist you with your tax deduction.
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