Power in Knowledge
How is PinK Girl so successful?
Our 7th-12th Grade Program.
PinK Girl Ethiopia provides:
Our teachers are chosen because they are the best in their field. They all have Bachelors and/or Masters degrees.
We teach using an interactive approach rather than the normal Ethiopian lecture style.
Support and Academic Counseling;
Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, History, Geography, and Spoken & Written English!
6 Academic Counseling classes every Saturday throughout the school year, in small class sizes of less than 20 girls.
A computer lab, library, reading room, study room and personal mentoring at the PinK Girl house.
12 Life skills and Living Core Values classes each school year that include; self-esteem, assertiveness, coping with stress, decision making, friendship formation, coping with emotions, conflict resolution and self-awareness.
Family visits that create a partnership with our incoming 7th grade girl’s families to insure their support. We explain our program and request their assistance in Saturday attendance and life skills attendance on a weekday afternoon.
Summer English Camp specializing in spoken English and extra summer programs for our girls and returning university alumni.
Significance of PinKGirl Life Skills Class
Pink Girl created a life skills program in addition to our academic support that offers the girls a small group in which to connect, find a safe place to belong, learn about their fears, hopes and dreams. There is nothing like this in the Ethiopian culture and certainly not anything like this created for girls.
Soft skills are key for girls. There is a growing body of evidence from multiple disciplines (psychology, behavioral economics, and neuroscience) that identifies certain sets of competencies, often referred to as soft skills or non-cognitive skills, as important predictors of academic performance and later success in life. Cultivating these types of competencies or skills plays an important role in girls and women’s empowerment and leadership. A common definition of female empowerment looks both at cultivating the “power within” (belief in self-work, self- respect and self-acceptance), the “power to” (ability to make choices and influence others), as well as the “power over” and the “power with”.
Life Skills Classes include:
The Power Within:
Self Awareness * Self Confidence * Assertiveness * Coping with Stress * Coping with Emotions * Decision Making
Self Worth * Self Esteem
The Power To:
Friendship Formation * Conflict Resolution * Empathy * Manage Peer Pressure * Effective Communication
The Life Skills are built on the foundation of Living Core Values such as honesty, tolerance, kindness, perseverance, love, joy, respect, honor, and hope.
Long Term Impact:
When a girl has self-belief and is supported by her family and community; when she's empowered with skills, ideas and knowledge; when she has access to services, role models and other girls: when she is visible and vocal - she can demand to stay in school, to get healthcare, and to get married and have children when she chooses.
How we continue to support our college girls.
Pink Girl Scholarship Program supports our university girls!
In October 2019, we will have 150 girls at national universities or private colleges.
Our scholarship program pays for:
Scholarship of full tuition to nursing college.
Tuition assistance for private college.
Stipend program for National University students.
Travel to and from school at the beginning and end of term.
Printing/copying costs (one text book per class).
Hygiene/personal supplies.
Other necessities.
Continued classes in Spoken English, Computer skills and Leadership.
Mentorship, encouragement and support.
The PinK Girl alumni return to us during their summer break to assist us with mentoring the younger girls and creating an English Camp.
They also help with home visits to share their stories and experiences with families.
Studies have shown that an educated girl will invest 10-20 times more income back into her family and community than a man does.
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